First United Methodist Church | 201 Asbury Circle | Huntingdon, TN 38344 | (731) 986-2251
Choir News
Fall is almost here and Choir is getting ready for this season in our church. We have been practicing for a few weeks now and we will start the choir back September 8th. We will have a wonderful surprise for you as our first Sunday back and I hope you will be here to listen to one of the most beautiful songs ever written as praise to God. If you do not know the story behind Amazing Grace look it up or watch the movie made about this song. I truly hope that if you have any desire to be part of the choir, handbells or have children that may want to be part of the children’s choir you will check us out and be part of this amazing church family who helps all of us praise God each Sunday.
This fall will be lot of work, fun and preparation for each Sunday, “Open Up the Heavens”, and our own Christmas program and the Children’s program at Church. Come be a part of us praising God each Sunday and having fun on Wednesday afternoon and evening.
God did not say we had to sing, play or produce music perfectly but to make a joyful noise.
Come make a joyful noise with us each week this fall.
Love in Christ and music,
Women’s Choir

Men’s Choir

Children’s Choir

12/1 – The Children’s Choir gave the Sunday morning congregation a sneak preview of their concert later that day.
Special Music

Leah Atkins

Mercedes Wright